
A New Chapter

September 2, 2020
September 2, 2020 zephrym

It’s been such a revealing year of change, adaptation and growth. The global pandemic that has swept the world has shattered the norm and left so many people looking for a new path forward. For so many though, the uncertainty of everything has left a bitter taste that can be hard to overcome. What’s emerged for me however is a reinstated hope for change. We’re questioning, looking for meaning and analyzing what we thought was important. I think that it’s here, in this place of quandary that we can build a new reality. One that’s indicative of the life we want for ourselves and not necessarily the one passed down to us from past generations or expectations.

As part of my own personal growth I’m deciding to dedicate more conscious energy to my creative practice. Not necessarily the practice that has become my career or rather my way of sustaining my place in society. After finishing Art school 20+ years ago, I left with my bachelors degree in my hand and almost as quickly as I received it, I knew I was going to have to find another means to making a living. In a time when it should have all been about celebration there was a distinct look of fear on the faces of my classmates. From streetwear designer to corporate brand creator, there’s been so many different paths since that day that have shaped me and made me into the person I am today. I’m happy to say that I never lost my connection to art and creativity. It’s been a driving force in my passion for life and I think I would have been lost without it. But now is the time to really dig in. Dive deeper, explore more and listen closer to the internal voices that are trying to steer me on towards a new chapter.

The creation of this website is part of that exploration and dedication to my craft. It’s my way of not only recording my progress but also keeping myself accountable for the direction I’ve chosen to follow. Although so much of my art is personal, it’s also the act of sharing it that fuels my fire and I’m excited to open myself up to those that find themselves wandering into my world. I look forward to what this new chapter holds and on this full moon I welcome new beginnings and release any doubt that I may have had.

"Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart, to give yourself to it."