A few days ago I started the first chapter in a year-long experiment to see if I could harness the cosmic influences surrounding the new and full moons and create a soundscape that would capture some of that dominant energy. First on the list was the New Moon in Virgo ~ Mutable Earth. The crest of the new moon was taking place at 5AM MST on Thursday so that meant that I had 13 hours prior to the crest to make this magic come together.
Embarking On A New Journey
I can feel myself changing. What matters in my life is going through a sort of transformation. I feel like I’ve really gotten clear on what’s important and what’s just a sort of noise meant to keep us occupied and distracted. My heart is opening and my consciousness is expanding. Over the past few years I’ve set out on a journey to connect with my spirituality. To find my purpose and harness my potential.
Relax – Recharge – Reconnect
There’s no denying that stepping away from the city and immersing yourself in the splendor of nature has a profound effect on our personal state of well-being. For me, there’s something about stripping away all of the man made materialism and reconnecting with the raw state of mother earth. It truly brings back into focus what’s actually important and has substantial value in our lives.
A New Chapter
It’s been such a revealing year of change, adaptation and growth. The global pandemic that has swept the world has shattered the norm and left so many people looking for a new path forward. For so many though, the uncertainty of everything has left a bitter taste that can be hard to overcome. What’s emerged for me however is a reinstated hope for change.